AquaX is the fastest growing personal watercraft championship in the world. Its rapid growth is owed to a simple, yet challenging race format that appeals to todays personal watercraft users.
This year the program will include the unveiling of a professional level race series and expansion of two further championships in the Great Lakes region of the USA and in Southeast Asia.
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Fri 27 - Sun 29, Jun
Fri 11 - Sun 13, Jul
Fri 08 - Sun 10, Aug
Fri 22 - Sat 24, Aug
Fri 05 - Sun 07, Sep
AquaX is a brand name, which incorporates any type of PWC competition organised by P1. The AquaX platform includes two disciplines under the heading of Enduro and Sprint. Each discipline is then divided into Pro, Pro/Am or Amateur depending on the quality of field and the size of the entry. Check with your Series Administrator to find which disciplines and classes are offered in your area.
Contact Championship Administrator here
Sit down craft ( 2- 4 seaters) come under the ENDURO rules. Craft must remain stock, except for minor handling modifications. The craft are then classified by the horsepower i.e - 300hp – 200hp and riders are graded Pro and Amateur.
Sprint is all about the stand ups such as the Yamaha Superjet and the Kawasaki SXR and the single seaters such as the Yamaha EX/EXR and Sea-Doo Sparks. To keep cost to a minimum the technical rules are limited to handling with some minor engine modifications. Riders are graded Pro and Amateur.
The Pro Enduro class delivers a higher level of competition and exposure for the top ranking riders and race series sponsors. The Pro series is open to all makes and models of watercraft, though the rules will benefit and encourage the use of higher rated HP craft. Entry into the Pro Class is limited to riders with sufficient racing experience.
The rules will allow for a higher level of modification, upping the speeds of the race craft to in excess of 75mph. The race tracks reflect the improved ability of the competitor and provide stunning viewing for the spectator and the TV production. Check out the rulebook for more details at AquaX Rulebook
The AM Enduro class is open to all makes and models of watercraft, but unlike the Pro the series is split between 2 classes.
The Pro Sprint class is all about the stand ups - the original Jet Ski. The race courses are shorter and more technical than Enduro, creating a challenge even for the canniest rider. The technical rules are limited to handling with some minor engine modifications to keep costs down. Four-stroke craft produced by Kawasaki with an output of 160bhp and capable of speeds up to 60mph are currently the only watercraft to compete in the Pro Sprint Series. Check out the rulebook for more details at AquaX Rulebook
Single seater (Spark and EX/EXR craft) and Yamaha's new four-stroke Superjet come under the heading of Pro/AM Sprint. The technical rules are limited to handling with some minor engine mods to keep costs down. Check out the rulebook for more details at AquaX Rulebook
No racing experience needed..
Yes, the AquaX Racer training will take place on the Friday or Saturday morning before the proposed event. Please contact your local Series Administrator to book your training. Classes will take approximately 3-5 hrs to complete and will include both theory and practical assessment so you will need to bring your kit along. The classes are designed to be educational - including explanation of the general racing rules, such as flags, communication, start procedures etc. Check out the AquaX Racer Training page for more information
The AquaX series is all about offering watercraft enthusiasts, especially recreational riders from coastal clubs and inland lakes, the opportunity to do something different on their weekends. We provide the platform all you have to do is sign up and make your mark.
AquaX has its own set of rules with a separate training program that even experienced racers will need to do. Visit the training page for more information training
The AquaX Enduro races will take anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes to complete depending on conditions. Refuelling is not allowed so make sure before you sign up that your craft has the capability of running the distance on one tank of fuel. Sprint races can take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes to complete depending on the level of competition.
Costs vary depending on National Authority and country in which you reside. Check with your local Series Administrator.
You will need a suitable watercraft fitted with a flexible tow loop attached to the bow eye. The craft will need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the AquaX rulebook and be fitted with a working lanyard. You will also need a minimum 2kg/4lbs dry power fire extinguisher for the pit area.
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